WAMP’S GUI is a hover only interface and functions appropriately. Including a remarkably similar WordPress + WAMP installation to the XAMPP equivalent.
Just because it comes with IIS doesn’t mean you can’t download and install a different web server such as Apache. So if Perl is needed/liked by the person making the recommendation, it seems likely that they will recommend XAMPP over WampServer. Also, in spite of somewhat excluding this in the question, XAMPP includes Perl while Wampserver does not. 'Free' is the primary reason people pick AMPPS Stack over the competition. Wamp unlike EasyPHP which I attempted to install has a number of relative installation guides. ASP.NET is really taking my interest of late. XAMPP provides phpMyAdmin, FileZilla FTP server, and Mercury Mail. AMPPS Stack, WAMP, and Laragon are probably your best bets out of the 7 options considered. WAMP however is almost 4 times as large as XAMPP and takes longer to install, however the installation, like XAMPP is simple and straightforward. Unlike XAMPP it is available only on windows platform and provides a 64bit installation. It stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, Python, PHP and Perl. It has 3054 likes on Facebook and is used for the same reason as XAMPP. WAMP is a similar open source environment developed by Romain Bourdon which also uses Apache, PHP and MySQL. XAMPP’s place in the industry is cross platform between Linux, Windows and Mac systems. It also has a nice GUI control interface which is simple to use. All of which integrated relatively easily. Go back to the zip file and extract the contents of the CGI-bin to the new awstats/cgi-bin folder. Open the new AWStats folder and create another folder called CGI-bin. It is easy to install and because it has been around for over 10 years has valid documentation regarding the integration of frameworks like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. Find and open the CGI-bin folder located in the XAMPP or WAMPP install directory, for example, C:/XAMPPWAMPPINSTALLDIRECTORY. Note that XAMPP has made the move from MySQL to MariaDB. A stands for Apache, M for MySQL, P stands for PHP and Perl.

XAMPP is an opensource multi-platform environment hence the ‘X’ in its name. XAMPP uses Apache to build its server and can be used to test websites locally before they go live. The best situation was to simply change the IP Port that Apache listens on the.
XAMPP is developed by and according to them “is the most popular PHP development environment.” It is an “easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl”. How To Fix Localhost Refused To Connect On Windows 10 Wamp Server And Xampp.